Our team

Fabrice Sin
Managing Director

Fabrice Sin obtained a Master's degree in biodiversity management and regional planning from the University of Lille in 2005. For the last two years, he held the position of director of the studies and works agency within the Center-West-Aquitaine territorial department of the ONF, and then managed a team of nearly 230 people. On this occasion, he was able to lead the definition of the agency's strategy and its successful implementation among the teams. Previously and in the same Region, Fabrice Sin acquired solid experience in managing complex projects within the agency in charge of innovation, partnership and major projects. Previously, in Guadeloupe, he served as deputy regional director and notably managed international cooperation projects.

Denis Martinez
Financial Director

After a career in a number of auditing and chartered accountancy firms specialising in international business, Denis moved on to management control and controlling roles for international groups before becoming CFO. He joins ONF International in 2021 as Finance Director in charge of all financial and tax functions, both for the head office and for the supervision of its establishments and subsidiaries abroad.

Technical Expertise

Pascal Douard
Pascal focuses on land use issues by facilitating discussions and approaches, providing advanced analyses and sharing knowledge between different stakeholders in order to improve confidence for transparent and inclusive decision-making. His international experience and knowledge of the field on several continents enable him to make the link between policy, scientific approaches and technical processes, with the aim of improving land-use governance and playing an active part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from forests and other land-use sectors. He holds a diploma in forest management, a master's degree in spatial planning and a master's degree in geomatics. He has been working on land use and land use change in tropical forests for over 15 years. His expertise in spatial analysis and land-use planning has led him to work with various stakeholders (WRI, EU/EFI REDD Facility, GIZ, CIFOR, UNDP) on forest issues at a global scale, mainly in Africa, on subjects related to REDD+, LULUCF, climate change, biodiversity and spatial analysis/GIS.
Lucile Auzemery
Lucile has a master's degree in Physical Methods in Remote Sensing and will be joining ONFI in September 2021 as a research officer. She has mainly worked on monitoring deforestation using radar data. Her skills in imagery and remote sensing applied to forestry will enable her to provide cartographic support for various projects at ONFI.
Quentin Delvienne
A forestry engineer by training with 14 years' experience, Quentin worked in Cameroon for GIZ in support of the Forest and Environment Sector Programme (FESP) before joining ONFI in 2011, where he built and monitored the implementation of a number of projects. From 2015 to 2018, Quentin coordinated Integrated Coastal Zone Management projects in New Caledonia for the SPC with funding from AFD, FFEM and the EU. Back at headquarters, Quentin provides services in his areas of expertise, particularly in the Pacific region.
Anoumou Kemavo
Anoumou holds a PhD in Mathematics, Science and Geographic Information Technology and a Diploma in Forest Engineering. He joined ONFI in 2012 after working in Morocco, Cameroon and the DRC as a consultant and young scientist with UNESCO. At ONFI, he works on projects using space technologies for the management and development of forests and territories. He works in West Africa, Central Africa and Latin America.
Cédric Lardeux
Cédric holds a PhD on the contribution of polarimetric radar imagery to vegetation mapping in tropical zones, and has solid skills in cartography and remote sensing. He joined ONFI in 2011 as a project manager, working on the analysis of deforestation and land use change in tropical zones, in particular through the use of optical and radar satellite imagery. He also provides training in geomatics to players in the forestry sector and universities.
Maxence Rageade
With a PhD in economics, Maxence joined ONFI in 2009 as a Forest/Climate expert specialising in data analysis, prospective simulation and optimisation. Whether as a project manager or technical expert, Maxence has since contributed to numerous projects in Africa, Latin America and Asia and is now actively involved in REDD+ projects/programmes, R&D strategy and innovation projects at ONF International.
Jérôme Chabbert
Jérôme holds a post-graduate diploma (DESS) in the management of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in tropical zones, and has extensive experience of tropical forestry, particularly in Central Africa. He has worked on a number of projects aimed at the sustainable management of African forests, including PARPAF in the CAR and AGEDUFOR in the DRC. His areas of expertise include forest management, resource inventory management, training and project management. He joined the ONFi team in 2020, where he works on various projects.
Vincent Charvet
With a BTSA in Forest Management, Vincent joined AgroParisTech, where he developed his skills in life sciences, engineering sciences and economic and social sciences, specialising in the environmental management of ecosystems and tropical forests. In November 2019, he will join ONFI, where he will be responsible for developing skills and technological tools for the management of the Fazenda São Nicolau in Amazonia, the headquarters of the Peugeot-ONF Forest Carbon Well project.
Steven Speed
Steven holds an MSc in Forestry from Oxford University and has over 30 years' professional experience in the forestry sector, the last 22 of which as an international forestry expert (15 of which with ONF International). He recently returned to ONF International from a 3-year position as Head of the Forestry Unit of the Department of Agriculture in French Polynesia, where he was responsible for the management of the country's forest resources and the development of the growing private forestry sector. He has a wide range of skills, including forest inventory and management, silvicultural practices, biomass supply and wood-energy production.

Business Development

Béatrice Nanne
Business Development Officer
Béatrice joined ONFI in February 2020. From July 2021, Béatrice took on the role of Business Development Officer. With a degree in business, she oversees the day-to-day organisation of the service (focal point for experts and consortium members, profile searches, dissemination of advertisements). Beatrice coordinates the preparation of tenders (calls for expressions of interest, invitations to tender). She is supported in this process by an assistant.
Sviatlana Noix
Sales Assistant
A philologist by training, Sviatlana holds a Master's degree in International Business. She joined ONFI in August 2021 after working in companies with an international outlook. Sviatlana assists our Business Development Manager. She helps to prepare invitations to tender and expressions of interest. She updates the databases (references and experts' CVs).

Support Team

Magali Pampin
Magali joins the ONFI team in 2019. Magali holds a BTS in Accounting and Management and has worked in various business sectors throughout her career. She is responsible for day-to-day accounting and cash management, quarterly and annual reporting, and administrative relations with the experts.

New Caledonia

Kiwa Initiative secretariat

Mahé Charles
Technical coordinator
An agricultural and environmental engineer with a Master's degree in Environmental Systems Analysis, Mahé has been involved for the past 12 years in supporting public policies and biodiversity stakeholders, mainly in the French Pacific collectivities. Her areas of expertise include biodiversity and integrated coastal zone management policies and instruments, socio-economic analyses and adaptation to climate change. After coordinating the RESCCUE project in French Polynesia and then joining New Caledonia as deputy head of the OFB delegation, Mahé has been coordinating the Kiwa Initiative Secretariat in Noumea for AFD since December 2020. His responsibilities include coordinating the work of regional partners (SPC, SPREP, IUCN) and monitoring regional projects.
Margot Bantegny
Communication manager
Graduate of the HEC preparatory business school and the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, Margot spent a gap year during her studies in New Zealand working for a marine environment design and research company. She then spent three years working for the Organising Committee of the XIVth Pacific Games, held in New Caledonia in 2011. After working as an advertising manager in a communications agency, then as head of communications and partnerships at WWF New Caledonia, the international nature conservation NGO, Margot worked in the Office of the High Commissioner in New Caledonia, as head of the inter-ministerial communications office, before joining the Kiwa Initiative Secretariat team in November 2021.
Jean-Etienne Blanc
Administrative and financial manager
ISTOM engineer, Jean-Etienne's diverse career has seen him develop a cross-disciplinary approach - social, environmental and economic - to the issues and challenges of regional development and planning, both in terms of the assignments he has carried out and the institutions he has met. Jean-Etienne has worked on food security projects in various contexts in Asia and the Indian Ocean. Before joining the ONFI team in New Caledonia, Jean-Etienne worked for AFD, supporting local development policies. As a grant funds officer, this role enabled him to provide technical support to partners in their efforts to adopt a more virtuous vision of their activities (gender equality, carbon neutrality, eco-responsibility, etc.). As a first-hand witness to the impact of climate change on people and environments, Jean-Etienne is particularly sensitive to the issues of adaptation and mitigation, which promote the resilience of people and ecosystems. Furthermore, convinced of the importance of coordination between stakeholders and territories, Jean-Etienne joined the ONFI team at the KIWA Initiative Secretariat in November 2022.
Carole Servas
Administrative and Financial Officer
With a double degree in Management from ESCP Europe and AIT, Carole began her career in Thailand working on a regional development project in the education sector. After a brief spell in France, where she worked as a Training Adviser, Carole joined the SPC Public Health Division team in New Caledonia, where she was involved in the programmatic and financial management of regional projects to combat HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, working with representatives of the Pacific countries and territories and the various regional partners. Before joining the Kiwa Initiative Secretariat team, she also worked for a New Caledonian training organisation representing HEC Paris in New Caledonia and managed the administrative and financial department of a public interest group.
Jason Deschamps
Project Management Officer
Jason DESCHAMPS holds a Master's degree in Biodiversity and Regional Planning from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and a Bachelor of Arts from Knox College in the United States. He has focused his career on issues relating to economic development and the preservation of natural areas. After several years working on climate finance projects, the development of sustainable industries and the conservation of threatened biodiversity, Jason developed an expertise in capacity building for civil society organisations, notably with the CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) Regional Implementation Team in the Mediterranean Basin. Challenged by social and environmental justice, Jason joined the Kiwa Initiative Secretariat in November 2023 to support SfN projects for and by communities most vulnerable to climate change in the Pacific.
Baptiste Jaugeon
Project manager, specialising in fisheries and coastal resources
With a Master's degree in Coastal Resource Management, Baptiste Jaugeon has taken part in various coastal ecosystem management projects, notably in Wallis and Futuna, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Brittany and Scotland. These experiences have strengthened his project management and coordination skills. He supervised the fisheries and aquaculture component of the European PROTEGE programme in Wallis and Futuna, supporting initiatives for the sustainable management of coastal resources. Able to work effectively in multicultural contexts, he is determined to use his skills to help project promoters strengthen the resilience of the Pacific islands in the face of climate change.
Liliane Fabry
Project manager, specialising in agriculture
Agricultural engineer, Liliane began her career in the French West Indies, coordinating the INTERREG IV ‘Sustainable Caribbean Banana’ project, which focused on sharing innovative farming practices based on agro-ecology. She deepened her technical expertise in agriculture on Réunion, as head of the market garden sector for an agricultural cooperative for 5 years. In New Caledonia since 2019, she has reaffirmed her taste for project management by creating and coordinating the New Caledonia coastal fisheries observatory, as part of the PROTEGE project (11th EDF). During this experience, she acquired a good knowledge of the Oceanic context and will be joining the Kiwa Secretariat team at the end of 2023.

ONF Andina

Eléonore Devillers
Executive Director
An agro-economist specialising in rural development (Master's degree from AgroParisTech), Eléonore brings to ONF Andina 16 years' experience in 14 countries in the fields of the environment, climate change, community development, agriculture and sustainable tourism. She has worked for public, private and international cooperation entities (European Union, USAID, FAO, UNDP, among others). As co-founder of 3 companies, she also has solid experience in business management. She has been Executive Director of ONFA since 2020.
Adriana Prieto
Technical Director
A biologist with a Master's degree in environmental sciences, Adriana has 20 years' experience in planning, managing and implementing socio-environmental and sustainable development projects in public and private institutions and NGOs. She joins the ONF Andina team in 2021 and is responsible for coordinating the team of experts based in Bogotá. She will also be involved in formulating and implementing projects.
Juan Pablo Puentes
Technical Director
Juan Pablo has 20 years' experience in the environmental sector, particularly in the fields of drinking water and sanitation, ecosystem services and sustainable production. He joined the ONFA team in 2014 and is currently the technical director for the departments in southern Colombia. He is involved in formulating and implementing projects in sustainable development, science, technology, innovation, environmental management and planning, and institutional strengthening. His training as a chartered accountant and his Master's degree in Administration are an asset for the management of ONFA's projects.
Vivián Torres
Project manager - Expert in spatial planning and environmental management
With a Master's degree in Biodiversity, Territory and Environment (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), Vivian has 7 years' experience in environmental administration and management, protection and restoration of natural ecosystems, evaluation of ecosystem services and payments for environmental services, spatial planning, public policies in favour of biodiversity and multi-stakeholder participatory approaches. She joined the ONFA team in 2013. She is currently project manager and is involved in formulating technical proposals and coordinating environmental planning, ecosystem restoration, regional planning and protected area management projects.
Yesid Rios
Project manager - Forestry and environmental management expert
A forestry engineer specialising in geography and environmental land management, Yesid has 8 years' experience in the design, evaluation and development of technical and research projects on forest governance, sustainable forest management, community management and climate change. Yesid joined the ONFA team in 2013. He is currently project manager.
Yuli Castellanos
Project Manager - Forestry Expert
A forestry engineer specialising in geomatics, Yuli has nearly 20 years' experience in sustainable forest governance and management, market research, and project management and coordination. She joined the ONFA team in 2014 as project manager. She is involved in formulating technical proposals and coordinating sustainable forest management projects.
Luis Alejandro Paez
Major Project Coordinator - Forestry Expert
A forestry engineer, Luis Alejandro has over 20 years' expertise in forest governance, sustainable forest management, environmental management of watersheds, community development and the financial, environmental and social assessment of projects. He also has extensive experience in managing timber harvesting companies in plantations and natural forests. Luis Alejandro has worked for ONFA since 2001.
Aline Bille
Head of development and communication
Aline holds a Master's degree in International Business with a specialisation in International Marketing. She has a cross-disciplinary, multidisciplinary profile and 15 years' international experience in institutional relations, communications, business promotion and business development support, particularly in the agricultural sector. She will join the ONF Andina team in 2021 and will be responsible for designing and implementing development and communication strategies, as well as facilitating inter-institutional relations.
Juan Ricardo Osorio
Geographic information systems coordinator - GIS
A cadastral and geodesy engineer, Juan Ricardo has 8 years' experience in the administration and management of spatial information, satellite image processing, territorial characterisation, environmental modelling and georeferenced data processing. He joined ONF Andina in 2016 and currently coordinates the Geographic Information Systems and Data Analysis team.
Michael Rivera
Developer - GIS
A cadastral and geodetic engineer, Michael has solid experience in the development of software for the processing and analysis of spatial information, the capture of geographical data, and the processing of optical and radar images. He joins the ONFA team in 2019 and is currently working as a geographic information systems developer.
Xiomara Guitierrez
Expert in statistics - GIS
A statistics specialist, Xiomara is involved in the design of statistical models and methodologies for processing spatial data, as well as in development activities using the R and Python programming languages. She also has experience in designing surveys and constructing and evaluating monitoring indicators. Xiomara has been part of the ONFA team since 2019.

Go to the Full ONFA Team, in Colombia.

ONF Brasil

Estelle Dugachard
An agro-economist, Estelle moved to Brazil in 2003. After working for development NGOs, she set up her own company specialising in ecological solutions and landscape restoration. In 2016, she took over the management of ONF Brazil in Cuiabá (Mato Grosso). She oversees the activities of the Fazenda São Nicolau (plantations, research programmes, training) and contributes to the development of projects for the subsidiary, thanks to a solid network of public and private sector partners.
Saulo Magnani Thomas
Forestry engineer - Local integration
Saulo joined ONFB in 2015 after graduating in forestry engineering from the University of Mato Grosso. He coordinates several flagship projects at Fazenda São Nicolau, including environmental education programmes. He is also involved in technical studies on agroforestry systems and the Brazilian coffee and nut sectors, as well as in training.
Alan Bernardes da Silveira
Forestry engineer - Technical manager
An engineer specialising in forest management and exploitation, Alan has been based at the Fazenda since 2011. He coordinates forestry operations and activities: sustainable exploitation plan for the natural forest, impact monitoring, production of native species seedlings, restoration of degraded areas, teak harvesting. It organises annual inventories of permanent monitoring plots and the quantification of stored carbon.
Gilberto Alves de Araujo
Forestry technician - Fazenda São Nicolau
A long-standing collaborator in the Carbon Well Project, Gilberto has been part of the ONFB team since its inception. Based at the Fazenda São Nicolau from the very first planting activities, his practical and technical knowledge of all the plots and methodologies used is an inexhaustible source of information for the partners and researchers. In the field, he coordinates and supervises ONFB employees in their planting and forest maintenance activities.