Forest management
ONFI puts ONF´s skills in matters of sustainable management at its partners´ disposal. ONFI provides support for public and private sectors in every aspect of forest management: inventories, forest management planning, forest monitoring, support for preparing and implementing certification.
Forest inventories
ONFI carries out forest inventories on behalf of countries, local authorities or forest concession owners. Such inventories contribute to a better understanding of forest resources, helping public decision-makers or project initiators to manage their forests. Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon, Georgia and Gabon are some of the places where ONFI has carried out inventories during the past years.
With a projected start in January 2019, ONFI and its partners IGN and IGN-FI, will carry out the national forest and wildlife inventory in Côte d´Ivoire. The project shall last for 2 years with an aim to assessing forest resources across the country.
Management planning and sustainable harvesting
ONFI is counselling public and private players on the strategic management of forest ecosystems and their products. ONFI carries out forest management planning on behalf of public managers or forest concession owners. ONFI expert teams are particularly skilled in reduced impact logging and provide training for loggers and foresters.
Environment and biodiversity
Preserving the richness of natural ecosystems and enhancing goods and services they provide: ONFI implements forest management planning on protected areas, coordinates large scale wildlife and flora inventories, provides support to the restoration of degraded environments and contributes to the mapping and assessment of ecosystem services.