The last forest inventory in Côte d´Ivoire goes back to 1979. We do not have information of any recent wildlife inventory except from the ones concerning the national parks of Taï and Comoë.
Stocktaking of forests in Côte d´Ivoire, including measures by satellite imagery, shows a clear trend towards deforestation and forest degradation. The Ivorian forest is believed to have gone from7.8 million hectares in 1990 to 3.4 million hectares in 2015.
Many species are threatened as a result of their disappearing habitats. Some of these species are iconic such as elephants, while others, less known, are fascinating. It is the case of Taï chimpanzees, which have a unique tradition of tool making they pass down the generations. The very rare pygmy hippopotamus can also be found in Ivorian forests.
The National Forest and Wildlife Inventory (IFFN) will help the Ivorian state to quantify and to improve their knowledge of forest resources. It will furthermore contribute to the elaboration of a national strategy for forest preservation and the tools needed for its implementation.
ONFI, in consortium with the French national geographical institute (IGN) and IGN France International (IGN FI), is as the executing body, in charge of carrying out this double inventory on behalf of the Ivorian Ministry for Water and Forests (MINEF).
In order to do so, ONFI relies on players from the Ivorian forest sector such as the Forestry Development Society (SODEFOR), the National Agency for Support to Rural Development (ANADER) and the Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves (OIPR).
ONFI and its partners will contribute with their skills and know-how in matters of technical protocols, monitoring of field inventories, data processing and analysis, results quality control, institutional organisation, experience capitalization and communication.
Country: Côte d’Ivoire
Topic: Forest management
01/2019 – 12/2020
Budget : 5,6 M€
Partners: IGN, IGNFI
Sponsors: AFD / C2D
Customer: Côte d´Ivoire Ministry for Water and Forests (MINEF)
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